Monday, May 23, 2011

And then there were two

This weekend, I took a break.
I took a break from blogging...
I took a break from school....
I took a break from reality, really....

I ignored phone calls. I didn't text people back for a while. I went to dinner. I went to a movie. I drove all around town with nothing in particular to do. I went shopping. I went and looked at puppies. I sat on the couch for hours.
But for the first time in a very, very long time, I didn't do any of this alone. I did this with my best friend. I did this with my soldier.

He's home! The day I dreamed about for months on end finally came true. It still doesn't feel real. But it is. And I am so glad.


  1. I am so happy for you! I was introduced to your blog through to love a soldier. Enjoy him and tell him thank for me!

  2. I will! Thanks for reading.

  3. WELCOME HOME, Soldier!!! So proud of you, Cate!

  4. Megan, thank you for all the love and support you've shown me these last few months. I couldn't do it without you! I can't wait to hear the good news of your husband coming home!

  5. AW! Thanks, Cate! You got m crying. Mine will be here soon! Can't wait to get to tell the world!
